Friday, December 31, 2004

CNN: As the death toll approaches 150,000, obstacles to relief remain

Lack of coordination, fuel shortages, rough weather, airport logjams and impassable roads have prevented the distribution of aid

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Yahoo!News/AP: experts warn about misjudging relief priorities

Many useless donations of food and clothing may pile up, and authorities may devote too much time to vaccination drives. Cooking materials, refrigerators, clean water tablets and clean water are important right now.

Washington Post: outracing the sea with orphans in tow

"We were eyeball to eyeball with the wave."

CNN, BBC lend a hand to find the missing

BBC: UK charities raise £25m for tsunami relief

BBC correspondent Roland Buerk: Breathing Sri Lanka's Torment

"We were swept along with motorbikes and cars, bits of wall and the ruins of buildings. It was not a question of swimming for your life. The tsunami was too powerful for that....Every so often, someone would come up to us and tell us they were sorry that we had been caught up in this disaster in their country, that we had come here as their guest. We said that we were sorry too, for all they had lost."

Yahoo!News/AFP: 13yr old survives tsunami on a door

CNNMoney: Corporations step up to the plate and donate to tsunami relief

They include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Starbucks, Pfizer, and others

Reuters: The death toll exceeds 120,000 people

Aid agencies warned many more people could die in epidemics if rescue efforts are hampered in what may be history's biggest relief operation.

CNN: Tsunami death toll tops 116,000 people

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

ABC News: al Qaida surveillance techniques detailed

Many tsunami victims have not eaten in days

Survivors describe Tsunami horror

CNN: Thousands of Americans unaccounted for

Yahoo!News/AP: Thousands evacuated from Nicobar Island

CNN: Toddler found alone after tsunami, united with Dad. aka the SEA-EAT blog has comprehensive information on Tsunami help

CNN: American diver relates her ordeal

"The tourists are able to get out, but those there are left with utter destruction"

BBC: the Red Cross says the death toll could exceed 100,000

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

ABC News:NASA takes a major step in an effort to return to space

Washington Post: The FBI announced the appointment of its 6th counterterrorism director since 9/11

ABCNews: Head of CIA Analysis Unit to step down

CNN: the massive earthquake permanently shifted several islands

International Committee of the Red Cross asks for aid

If you have lost contact with relatives, the ICRC will do all it can to help you by means of this familylinks website

CNN: death toll could top 60,000

BBC: massive aid effort underway

CNN: Iraqis help American troops prepare

Monday, December 27, 2004

NYTimes: China vows to modernize its military in the face of Taiwan's push for separate status

John Steinbeck's hometown to close its libraries

Yahoo! News/PC New version of Santy worm

NYTimes/Reuters: Militants lurk in the Horn of Afica

Sunday, December 26, 2004

ABC news: Tsunami death toll reaches 52,000 in 11 nations

CNN: huge earthquake triggers tsunamis killing at least 11,000 people

Friday, December 24, 2004

CNN: The Pope prays for peace at Midnight Mass

ABC news: Explosion hits Baghdad as Rumsfeld leaves

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Washington Post: the intel gap hinders the US in Iraq

While insurgents have placed informants inside the Iraqi government infrastructure, the US and Iraqi militaries, coalition groups, and international news organizations, the US is having serious intelligence problems in Iraq. Washington Post How can we do better, and quickly?

CNN: IG report says non-residents can gain access through stolen passports

The Inspector General determined that non-residents can gain access via stolen passports. The report shows a scandalous lack of coordination among federal agencies.

Washington Post: Cloned cat generates ethics debate

A kitten named "Little Nicky" has reignited a fierce ethical and scientific debate over cloning technology.

ABC News: An American Married to Al Qaeda

"I have entered the bowels of hell and I'm going to be here forever. And I've only been married seven months. I've got a terrorist in my house." ABC news

ABC news: Clashes and casualties in Falluja

US Marines fought insurgents in Falluja, warplanes and tanks hit suspected guerrilla positions causing deaths on both sides. ABC news

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

BBC: breaking the Khan network

Authorities are worried that Mr. Khan's network may still be out there and the " may be moving closer to a tipping point in which building a nuclear bomb is no longer the closely held secret of the few." BBC world news

Abc News: Base Commanders had warnings of "Beirut" style attack

Three weeks before the Mosul bombing, soldiers from the base intercepted a document that mentioned a proposal of a massive "Beirut" type attack. ABC

NY Times: Mosul attack appears to have been a suicide bombing

General Richard B. Myers the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said the Mosul bombing may have been the work of a suicide bomber.

NYTimes: Most Americans say we must fight on

Many Americans expressed anguish on the lack of progress in the Iraq war especially after the recent bombing in Mosul. Still, many feel the only option is to fight on. NYTimes

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Yahoo! News: World's tiniest baby is doing fine

A premature infant named Rumaisa who weighed 8.6 ounces at birth, is doing well at Loyola University Medical Center. She is believed to be the smallest baby ever to survive. Her mother called her a great blessing. Yahoo! News/AP

Washington Post: Iran nuclear work persists

Diplomats said Iran's decision to keep preparing raw uranium for enrichment breaks the spirit of its pledge to freeze all such activity. Washington Post

More than 20 killed in rocket attack in Mosul

More than 20 Americans and Iraqis were killed in an attack on a US base north of Mosul. CNN

Monday, December 20, 2004

Arrest of CEO raises an uproar

EBay criticized the arrest of's CEO by Indian authorities after a sex video tape was sold on

NIH stops Alzheimer's study involving Celebrex and naproxen (Aleve)

The National Institutes of Health stopped a study testing whether Celebrex or naproxen sold under the brand name Aleve reduced the risk of Alzheimer's when researchers noted an increase in heart attack and strokes among participants. abcnews/AP

ABC News Poll: Americans' support for the war slipping

56 percent of those polled say the cost of the war outweighs the benefits, but 58 percent say US troops should stay until order is restored. ABC news

New poll shows Rumsfeld is losing the public's support

52 percent of respondents in a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll think that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld should resign over his handling of the war in Iraq. CNN

PM Allawi: insurgents are trying to start civil war

Prime Minister Allawi stated that militants are attempting to start
a civil war in Iraq. Yahoo!News/AP

Sunday, December 19, 2004

BBC: the decade long war in Chechnya triggers sharply different viewpoints

More criticism heaped on Donald Rumsfeld

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld faced renewed criticism from lawmakers including one prominent Republican, after he said he has not personally signed letters sent to family members of troops killed in action.

Time magazine names the President Person of the Year

Israeli Palestinian radio aims to unite people in peace